Magician and mentalist Ramana can be hired as a mystery entertainer for special occasions, events, brand activations, advertising stunts, as a guest speaker and for televisions appearances. Ramana is the first winner of the television hit the Next Uri Geller. Ramana learned his trade as a magician in India. As a magical entertainer, he has over 12 years experience and performs all over the world. He peforms for Royals, brands such as NIKE, KLM and American Express and he also lectures for Universities and institutes like Tedx. Book Ramana and be amazed. He develops and arranges the following performances, indoor and outdoor:

Stand-up mentalisme act
20-30 minutes
Interactive act: Illusions of the supernatural; among other things, Indian magic, mind reading, telekinesis like spoon bending a floating table and a spirit séance.

Club act
3-5 minutes
Short powerful stage act with fire, floating objects and materializations. This act is very suitable for clubs. In the dance scene this act was received with great success.

Custom made
Brand Activating Illusion ©
A particular specialty of Ramana productions is to develop high-quality magic acts for advertising purposes, for example to promote an idea, product or brand. These acts generate a lot of positive ‘commotion’ and regularly result in free publicity and publications in the (inter) national press.

Levitation act
15-45 minutes
Perfectly as a welcome act for special occasions and festivals. Ramana’s levitation acts took regular international front page news.

Indian street magic and fakir act
10-15 minutes
Mysterious act in which all senses are bewildered, with mind over matter and mind reading . This magical act is very suitable for ( street) theater festivals.

20 minute sets
Ramana and his muse Tripitaka read minds and entertain magically. High quality mentalism and Indian Magic. The act can be booked as walk around act or as stage show.

Close-up magic
± 45 minutes
Especially suitable for dinners, fairs, receptions and the like. Very direct and very close to the audience miracles are shown to small groups of people at once.

Indian Jadugar Tour
Special show
Ramana organizes tours with Indian jadugars: street magicians. Booking these acts from India also supports the dying traditional Indian magic and street arts.

Lezing & Act
45 minutes
An interactive lecture on the ancient art of magic. Ramana, as an anthropologist (master degree) and professional magician shapes in this lecture, with show elements, a diverse mix of magic. Ramana gave lectures at TEDX, Dutch television, the University of Amsterdam and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The magic acts are perfectly suited for special occasions such as openings, corporate events and product presentations. The specialty of magician Ramana is the levitation of everything and everyone. This will generate a lot of positive commotion in the press and society. He also integrates business visions in his acts to explain ideas to your staff or audience in a magical way. Performances are possible in English, French and Dutch.
Do you have a special or new business idea or a vision that you want to express with great impact to a specific audience? With a Ramana magic act you can translate your idea in a powerful and magical way. Your vision is packaged in a story that is illustrated and supported by the power of magic, illusion and wonders.
Ramana worked among others for and with the following brands:

Facebook & Instagram
With the invisible Force at work.
Today as well as walking and levitating around on the dance floor with my haunted altar. With a new living tree, found today in a mountain forest.
My other plant ( a fig tree ) has his holidays now.
We were also working sitting outside performing miracles close up for the people on this @thuishaven party.
Yesterday it was still freezing and snowy today 17 degrees Celcius with spookey winds.
In Wonder.
#wonder #ramanamagic #puremagic
Check deze Plantkracht video.
In Plantkracht beschrijft Wouter Bijdendijk zo’n dertig, veelal lokale planten en paddenstoelen die het immuunsysteem, de algehele gezondheid, het uithoudingsvermogen, de spijsvertering, de vitaliteit en het brein ondersteunen. Elk van deze heilzame planten is door de broer van Wouter, sterrenchef Joris Bijdendijk, voorzien van twee vegetarische recepten. Daarnaast behandelt Wouter ook een aantal rituele en geestverruimende planten die een belangrijke rol hebben gespeeld in de ontwikkeling van de mens.
Plantkracht is een rijk geïllustreerd, boeiend naslagwerk vol etnobotanische beschrijvingen van heilzame planten en een aantal curiositeiten, persoonlijke anekdotes en recepten om direct mee aan de slag te gaan.
#plantpower #medicinaleplanten #natuurlijk #aspirine #embassyofthefreemind #healingplants #plantkracht #Etnobotany #herborist #pharmacy #wildplukken #wouterbijdendijk #etnobotanie #boek #moerasspirea #amsterdam #gezondheid #natuur
@singel_uitgeverijen @nijghenvanditmar @nijghatelier @nijghcuisine @jorisbijdendijk @athenaeumboekhandel @boekhandellibrisvenstra
Koop het boek in je lokale boekwinkel of online bij bijvoorbeeld Athenaeum, Libris, Bruna of Bol.com.
Video door: mrjozzer.com
Voir mon spectacle de magie ici en première page du journal local.
Magicien Ramana d’Amsterdam de retour à Vielsalm !
Et plus précisément à l’ancienne centrale électrique de Cierreux, vendredi 26 juillet 2024 à 20 h 30.
Avec son show Radical Illusions & Blue Magic (Mentalisme & Indian Magic). Spectacle en français.
Portes ouvertes à 20 h. Entrée : 15 euros. Réservations souhaitées via la librairie Delvaux ou info@ramana.nl.
(Le même jour, il y a aussi un spectacle en néerlandais à 15 h. Ouverture des portes à 14 h 30)
Le spectacle présente une musique personnalisée unique de Lee “Scratch” Perry. Lee a fait cette musique spécialement pour Ramana.
Lee “Scratch” Perry était un producteur tres influencable de disques, compositeur et chanteur jamaïcain connu pour ses techniques de studio innovantes et son style de production.
Op de zelfde dag is er ook een show in het Nederlands om 15u in de oude elektriciteitscentrale van Cierreux vlak naast het meertje in de vallei van de Ronce.
Het is vlak bij #Vielsalm en #Salmchateau.
#fyp #magic #cierreux #electric #magic #ramanamagic #bluemagic #natuur #act #plantpower #herbalism #show #geheimekennis #herbalisme #roots #rootsmusic #reggae #housemusic #house #blauwehoed #plantkracht #ramana #lsp #huistovenaar #369
#symbol #theater #belgie
We came to an agreement with a very good American/English publisher about the worldwide English rights of my book. It will be available in English next year! World Wide!
Plantkracht is now going to be translated by a translator.
Get your private copy at your local bookstore or online webshop.
#plantkracht #plantpower #herbalism #fyp #healing #plant #book #plantmedicine #future #medicine #psychovitamine #entheogens
Brand Activating Illusions ©
Een bijzondere specialiteit van Ramana producties is het ontwikkelen van hoogwaardige magische acts voor reclamedoeleinden, bijvoorbeeld voor het promoten van een idee, product of merk. Door deze positieve ‘commotie’ genereren deze acts regelmatig free publicty en bereiken hiermee de (inter)nationale pers.
Door het geld dat we verdienen met dit soort stunts en optredens kunnen we ons bezighouden met zwarte bijen en investeren we in de toekomst door bossen aan te planten for all of humanity. Of door boeken te schrijven zoals Plantkracht.
“Wonder is the key to the Cosmos and Magic fabricates that key”. (S.H.Sharpe)
#ramanamagic #brandactivation #magic #mentalism #corporate #brands #banking #skanking #event #bluemagic #realmagic #forbes #klm #f1 #amex #britishairways #abnamro #plantkracht #ramana #trippy #newyork #washingtondc #hongkong #singapore #delhi #shanghai #madrid #marrakech #london
Crop diversity, rather than intensive monoculture farming, is the key to planetary abundance.
Support and maintain bio and cultural diversity so there is abundance for each and everyone on this planet
We try to help and protect indigenous cultures and save and protect the keepers of the earth.
Magicien Ramana d’Amsterdam de retour à Vielsalm !
Et plus précisément à l’ancienne centrale électrique de Cierreux, vendredi 26 juillet 2024 à 20 h 30.
Avec son show Radical Illusions & Blue Magic (Mentalisme & Indian Magic). Spectacle en français.
Portes ouvertes à 20 h. Entrée : 15 euros. Réservations souhaitées via la librairie Delvaux ou info@ramana.nl.
(Le même jour, il y a aussi un spectacle en néerlandais à 15 h. Ouverture des portes à 14 h 30)
For bookings and availablilty of Ramana you can directly contact us by email at info@ramana.nl or call +31 (0)6 24751574.